In the story The Sound of Thunder three guys went on a safari to kill a dinosaur so they went to the pass to kill it, but some of the men already went back to mark it with a paint ball gun with red paint before they went out there. When they went out there, they didn't see the dinosaur at first then all of a sudden they saw it, it was a tyrannosaurus Rex, the most dangerous dinosaur that ever lived on earth. The title of the story means that the sound of thunder which represents the moment they shot the dinosaur with the shotgun which killed him. Some of the clues that the author gave were, in the title which was foreshadowed. The author foreshadowed that soon a dinosaur was going to get killed towards the end.
The main point of the story was that leadership and friendship between the three guys. As, well as killing the dinosaur which created trust between the three guys.
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