Thursday, January 28, 2021

Roadmap #1

 1. Some of my High School classes that can help me with my future goals would be geometry, history, Spanish for Spanish speakers and English.

2. I don't know what other subjects would help me with my future goals at the moment besides taking classes about cars.

3. Some people that I admire would be Henry Ford, the wright brothers, and Nikola Tesla.

Reflection #1

Being in the "Open source learning academy" has been one of the best experiences for me and is the best choice I could've made. Being in the Open source academy was one of the best experiences for me because every since I entered the program I have been less stressed about not only getting to connect to all 6 classes but completing almost 20 weekly assignments from before. Now, I only connect to 1 class and get a good amount of work to complete, which is why entering the Open source learning academy was one of the best choices I could've made. Unlike my schedule before having to connect to 6 classes, I could only think and do the specific work for each class only. On the other hand, in the program I could invest my time in what I want in my future for example in a job, place, workplace, amount of money, and ect. I want to be successful in the future just like anyone else and I feel like "spending time" in being in the Open source learning academy and getting to talk about my future is a great way to start.