Sunday, June 30, 2019

A Horse's perspective of humans ( short story)

The main character in this story is a horse named  Leonardo, Leonardo was a wild horse. One day Leonardo goes for a walk and hears things, but it doesn't sound like any animal he has heard before so he goes check it up, and what he saw was like nothing he has seen ever before. This thing was short indeed, and didn't have 4 legs like us, and walked standing up, Leonardo said. Leonardo went closer to them, and those things noticed him, so they went closer to him, Leonardo wasn't scared he was confident so he stood there looking at those things as he kept saying, that was because they looked small to him. They then started to do the weird sounds, then they started to touch him, but the way they touched him feel good so he kept letting them touching him, then one of them got on top of Leonardo and started to pat him which was weird Leonardo said, but for some reason he knew what to do and left running with the weird creature on top of him to shoe his family members what he had endured and found.

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