Tuesday, June 8, 2021


 What the declaration of Independence means to me is that every person in the United States has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Monday, May 17, 2021


 After learning more about Digital data, I could say Digital data is a binary language. An example of this would be when your pressing a key on a keyboard, an electrical circuit is closed. The circuit acts like a switch and only has 2 possible options: to open or to close, Morse code can be another example of binary as well.


 Digital data is the discrete, discontinuous, representation of information or works. Examples of working with digital data would be when sending an email, reading a social media post, or taking pictures with your digital camera.


Something interesting that happened in my life was back in 2017 when I used to play in a soccer team, we were going to play our last game. This game was the "Finals", so as you can tell it was the most important game of our season, this game determined if all of our hard work payed off. I was so nervous but mostly  excited about playing, I thought nothing but putting my absolute all into this last final match, but then of course there was a change of plans. I had went to my cousins 15th birthday party in Oakland, I was helping my grandma that had came from Mexico to be in this party as well, serve food to all the guests at each table. Everything was fine until after we had finished serving all the guests, and every adult stood up and went to go dance, I decided to take a break because I was tired from walking, table to table, I was laying between 2 chairs with a blanket over me because I was cold, I ended up staying laying down until the party was finally over, and it was time to start cleaning up. I tried to get up to help, but as hard as I tried to move my legs, I couldn't, so my cousin tried picking me up, but when he did my knee popped, and it hurt! After everyone finished cleaning we all went back to my cousins house, they wanted to check up on my legs so they rolled up my jeans and on both legs their was a huge rash. They took me to a hospital near by to see what it was, but the strangest thing was, I couldn't walk or even stand up right, they had to sit me down on a wheel chair and push me into a room. I ended staying at the hospital that entire night, and all I could think about was my soccer game that I had that weekend on Sunday, I was wondering if I would be able to play, but to my guess I couldn't. I was just too weak and needed to recover, I was so bummed out, because I had been looking forward to it the whole week, but even if I couldn't play, I wanted to be present for my team and for myself. I just watched my team play the whole game, but even if I wasn't playing, I still had a lot of energy to cheer my teammates on, and you wouldn't believe it, my team won. After the game was over, everyone was running like crazy and all of a sudden they started bringing out water bottles and started wetting our coach, it truly was a great experience, even if I wasn't able to play, and ever since that day I stopped playing soccer and started playing basketball, but now that, that's a whole different story.

Friday, April 16, 2021


 Curiosity is a significant feeling to not only move on but to do more as well. What I mean by this is, by having some what of curiosity, it makes you get interested into a certain subject your learning about or a task your working on. This causes you to do more and more of a better job on the task since your already intrigued by the subject.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Interview with a Vampire

 Today I interviewed Zoe Ward, a Sophomore student at Santa Maria High. " Who is your role mentor and how do they influence your work?" Jackson Wang is her role mentor, and influences her work by pushing herself to do more. For those who don't know who Jackson Wang is, he is a Hong Kong rapper, singer and dancer based in China. "How do you guard your safety and security online?" Zoe stated she guards her safety and security online by having a VPN both on her phone and laptop. Having a VPN gives you online privacy and anonymity by creating a private network from  public internet connections. "What did you learn yesterday?" Zoe explained she learned what went into opening an Open Source Learning Academy, and entrepreneur experiences in their expertise.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

My declaration of Independence

In theory the declaration of independence states every American citizen is free to build the life they want for themselves, but in reality many Americans are limited by their economic status, their education, and their ethnicity.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021


Today I have received an email regarding a question that only I could figure out, "The same man who first envisioned the helicopter also created very precise anatomical drawings, scissors, and the very first robot in history. He was a master student, learning everything he could about how devices work. Today, when people hear his name, they think of art. Who was this man? Describe his life and creations." Below are some of my ideas/questions that first came up to me when reading the question.

 As I was reading the question above given to me by Dr.Preston, I was asking myself who in the world can this possibly be, I know that he was an engineer, which of course one needs to be a master student, he apparently did art so he had to be some type of famous artist. I started to search up for people that created very precise anatomical drawings and scissors and I found the inventor “Leonardo da Vinci”, then I remembered hearing about him before, all I could recall was the word “Art”. I realized it had to be him, then I asked Dr.Preston for confirmation and it was, my mystery guy. I used yahoo to search up questions, I don’t really trust yahoo, the reason is because I don’t use it, I normally use google which by far is the only site I trust for useful information. Some search words that I use would be "Who", "When", and "How", I know that the information is accurate because the information that I got from Leonard da Vinci was from an actual autobiography website about him.

The man who first envisioned the helicopter, created anatomical drawings, scissors, and the very first robot in history was Leonardo da Vinci. When people think of him including me, I think of art, he was a master student, learning everything he could about how devices work. Leonard da Vinci is known for his paintings like " The last supper" and "Mona Lisa" and of course the "flying machine", he was born in a farmhouse outside the village of Anchiano in Tuscany, Italy on April 15, 1452. Leonard da Vinci was one out of 12 siblings, which of 9 of them were males and 3 were females. He passed away on May 2, 1519 due to a stroke, Leonardo da Vinci came from a poor household in which his mother was a peasant from the town Vinci, only the rich had the opportunity to read books and peruse an education.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Learning Feedback

 The most valuable feedback that I received on my Weekends post was by Gabriela Mendoza, she stated she got a good sense of how I was influenced and because of that now I want to study mechanical engineering which is what I wanted the readers to capture. My childhood memory about seeing my dad repair and exchange the oil to our car, as well as seeing the parts under the hood sparked a interest in me which made me get into the concept of cars and of course mechanical engineering. Gabriela mentioned my Weekends post was overall good and easy to understand, this feedback matters to me because it lets me know my writing is good and thorough.

    The most valuable feedback that I gave was to Gitzel Rodriguez, I mentioned I was glad she was trying to learn sign language, because there's often occasions where deaf kids and adults try to communicate but a lot of us don't know sign language so its difficult for them to get their message through. I tried once to learn a new language to talk to my friends, I tried to learn Arabic,but it was too difficult so I had stopped.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Weekend's Post

     I'm really passionate on learning Mechanical Engineering, I love the whole concept on learning how to repair and rebuild things for example cars. When I was a little kid, my dad would go to the garage or front parking lot and he would change the oil of our car, I would be there looking at him wondering what he was doing under the car and trying to repair. I remember when I was a little kid, my dad would pop open the hood while the car was turned on and I would be fascinated by how many things where inside and I was really curios on how each part worked. One of my PPC that can help as information for this specific career would be geometry because mathematics is a big part in mechanical engineering. After completing High School, I want to go off to college and get more into mechanical engineering because I know that there's more to it than meets the eye, and it will not be an easy task but going to college for the amount of years necessary is a good start. My role mentors in this field would be Nickola Tesla, the Wright Brothers, and Henry Ford. 

Friday, February 5, 2021

TIP Weekly Estimates

             SELLING TIME

1. School/ education: 2hrs per day

              GIVE TIME

1. Family: 4hrs per day

                SPEND TIME

1. School: 2hrs per day

2. Basketball Practice: 2hr per day

                  PASS TIME 

1. My Phone: 3hr per day

2. My Playstation 4: 2hr per day

3. Play Basketball: 3/1/2 per day

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Roadmap #1

 1. Some of my High School classes that can help me with my future goals would be geometry, history, Spanish for Spanish speakers and English.

2. I don't know what other subjects would help me with my future goals at the moment besides taking classes about cars.

3. Some people that I admire would be Henry Ford, the wright brothers, and Nikola Tesla.

Reflection #1

Being in the "Open source learning academy" has been one of the best experiences for me and is the best choice I could've made. Being in the Open source academy was one of the best experiences for me because every since I entered the program I have been less stressed about not only getting to connect to all 6 classes but completing almost 20 weekly assignments from before. Now, I only connect to 1 class and get a good amount of work to complete, which is why entering the Open source learning academy was one of the best choices I could've made. Unlike my schedule before having to connect to 6 classes, I could only think and do the specific work for each class only. On the other hand, in the program I could invest my time in what I want in my future for example in a job, place, workplace, amount of money, and ect. I want to be successful in the future just like anyone else and I feel like "spending time" in being in the Open source learning academy and getting to talk about my future is a great way to start.